J68HZ Logo 2020 ARRL DX SSB


A great place
for a DXpedition

Please note – the following equipment information is current as of December 24, 2024, but may change without notice.

A world-class station

This is a single operator, SO2R, or multi-2 station (it cannot be used for multi-operator multi-radio contests), with excellent propagation to all parts of the world. The placement of the tower near the top of the mountain ensures plenty of activity and contacts!

The radio station is currently inside the villa so it is only available for rent along with the rental of Villa Grand Piton. We are progressing on the construction of a stand-alone radio building so the rest of the party is not disturbed (target completion date: 4Q 2025).

Our "Take Care of You" treatment

Like everything else we do at Villa Grand Piton, we try to make things easy for you.

We can gather your information and have your J6 license prepared for you when you arrive at the villa (a nominal fee applies). Please allow six months for this process – things don’t move quickly in the Caribbean.

All you need to bring is:
✦ Headphone-microphone to operate voice modes
✦ Your key paddle if you would rather use yours
✦ Thumb drive to take your log home
✦ Your patience… as YOU are now the DX in very large pile-ups!

The radios and amplifiers

✦ Two Elecraft K4D’s, new, fully-loaded, “every option”
✦ Two Elecraft K3’s as backup radios
✦ ICOM 9700 VHF Radio
✦ KPA1500 1500 watt amplifier for DXing
✦ Two Alpha 87A, ALPHA 9500 WF amplifiers for contesting
✦ Henry 3002 Amplifier
✦ Beacon transmitters for 10, 6, and 2 meters (100 watt, 10 watt, 1, watt increments). Beacons are off when the band is in use

The antennas

✦ A 60 foot Rohn 55G tower, base positioned 650 feet directly above the ocean
✦ Dipoles for 80 & 160 meters
✦ Hygain Hytower Vertical for 160-10M (4-square soon!)
✦ Steppir DB42 antenna three elements on 30/40 meters, five elements on 20/17/15/12/10 meters, and eight elements on 6 meters, integrated SDA100 controller
✦ Steppir 4EL antenna with one element on 40/30 meters, four elements on 20-10 meters, and six elements on 6 meters fixed on TIC ring
✦ M-Squared 18XXX eighteen-element Yagi at sixty-eight feet for 2 meters (36.5 foot boom)
✦ M-Squared RC2800 rotor and RC-21 Green Heron rotor controller with USB connection
✦ Directional DX Engineering 4-square receive antenna system for 160 and 80 meters with a phaser and offset antenna for noise null
✦ 401A automatic antenna switch for HF & 6 meters with a separate feedline for 2 meters
✦ Verticals for the 10 and 6 meter beacons
✦ Eight 5-element Directive Systems phased Yagis for the 2 meter beacon

Other items

✦ Six 12V, 30-amp power supplies with several spares
✦ Automatic radio transmit lockout for multi-radio contests
✦ Beacons. The beacons are active only on demand, and are perfect for determining propagation paths and openings
✦ The J68HZ CW/RTTY and WSJT on-island skimmers; the feed is available at the radio operating position via the internet
✦ Two generic keyer paddles
✦ Twin 24-inch monitors, wireless keyboard and mouse, Dual Ethernet feed, and several NUC computers with N1MM+, MTTY, and internet access
✦ On-Site NTP Time server
✦ Simple manual with station operating instructions

for radio station rates and availability

Please include your email address, dates you want, and specific questions about the radio station.
Villa availability and rates are available on the “Rates/Availability” page.

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