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Category Villa Grand Piton Resort
Housekeeping services included
Free Wifi ✅ including Alexa
Concierge services
Around-the-clock staff ✅;
Utilities included in rate
Personal toiletries provided
Coffee maker and refrigerator
Complimentary bottled water
Complimentary use of snorkel equipment, beach towels, beach chairs and umbrellas
On-site spa services ✅ Massage or hair styling ✅ Full spa services with on-site dedicated spa
Laundry or washer/dryer ✅ Washer/dryer use. No charge ✅ Laundry services for a fee
TV/Movies ✅ Several TVs, Netflix, Amazon Prime, cable TV and extensive movie library
Panoramic views of Pitons and sunsets over the Caribbean ✅ But not in the least expensive rooms
Located just a few minutes outside Soufriere
Located on beach ❌ But only a 6-8 minute drive away ✅ Only some rooms directly on the beach.
Children ages five and up allowed ✅ But unsuitable for very young children or infants ❌ Children six and up are allowed July thru September; minimum age is 10 the rest of the year.
Restaurant ❌ On-site cooking services are available for a modest fee ✅ Several
Breakfast and dinner meal plan* ✅ $38.50 US per person per day; pay only for meals you request to have made ✅ Around $120 US per person per day; purchase for entire stay. No credit for meals eaten offsite.
Room size Villa is around 4,000/5,000 sq ft (covered/total living) 350-750 sq ft per room
Air conditioning ** ✅ Bedrooms only ✅ Only in the rooms on the beach without a view
Rooms close securely ✅ Doors open up for views but deadbolt into floors and frames for security ✅ ❌ Some rooms lack fourth wall; others have partial or full wooden-louvered walls
Secluded? ✅ Built on the top ridge of a steep hill with one villa next door; separated by thick vegetation ❌ Many people around. Open-air rooms aren't soundproof; rooms may have common walls.
Cost per night, 4 people, high season 2025. ➀ $1060 US. Includes the driver cost for a round-trip to Anse Chastanet beach to account for location differences. $1,685 US for the least expensive available rooms ("Standard"). $3,165 US for rooms ("Premium Hillside") with views similar to Villa Grand Piton.
Cost per night, 4 people, summer 2025 ➁ $810 US. Includes the driver cost for a round-trip to Anse Chastanet beach to account for location differences. $1,100 US for the least expensive available rooms ("Standard"). $2,365 US for rooms ("Premium Hillside") with views similar to Villa Grand Piton.

*   Villa Grand Piton meal plan prices are valid as of March 7, 2024 and are subject to change without notice.  Details and restrictions are available on our “Food” page.

**   Air-conditioning in open-air structures, such as Villa Grand Piton and other open rooms at hotels, cannot cool a room nearly as well as in a typical home. Air conditioning is designed to blow cool air on the bed to make sleeping a little more comfortable.

➀  On-line price quote as of oct 8, 2024 for a seven-night stay in April 2025  (Apr 2 – 9). Villa Grand Piton price includes hiring the driver for a round-trip for four people to Anse Chastanet beach.  Resort price is for two rooms at nearby resort with no meals included.  Taxes included.  All prices subject to change at any time..

➁  On-line price quote as of Oct 8, 2024 for a seven-night stay in July 2025  (Jul 12- 19). Villa Grand Piton price includes hiring the driver for a round-trip for four people to Anse Chastanet beach.  Resort price is for two rooms at nearby resort with no meals included.  Taxes included.  All prices subject to change at any time.